Next Statement

Sequential Statement ---- used in ----> Loop
For Loop
While Loop



next loop_label;

next loop_label when condition;

See LRM section 8.9

Rules and Examples

The nextstatement is used to prematurely terminate the current iteration of a while, for or infinite loop:
for I in 0 to 7 loop
  if SKIP = '1' then
    N_BUS <= TABLE(I);
    wait for 5 ns;
  end if;
end loop;

The next statement may test a boolean condition directly, using the when keyword:
process (A)
   Z <= "0000";
   for I in 0 to 3 loop 
      next when A /= I;
      Z(I) <= '1';
   end loop; 
end process;

For a next statement within a set of nested loops, the optional loop label may be used to indicate which level of loop is to be iterated. The default (no label) is the innermost loop. If an outer loop is specified, loops inside are effectively exited:
READ_BUS: process
    VALID_CHECK: while 
      (CPU_DATA_VALID /= '1') loop
        wait until rising_edge(CLK)
                   or RESET = '1';
        next RESETLOOP when RESET='1';
    end loop VALID_CHECK;
    CPU_DATA_READ <= '1';
    wait until rising_edge(CLK);
    wait until rising_edge(CLK);
    CPU_DATA_READ <= '0';
  end loop RESETLOOP;
end process READ_BUS;

Synthesis Issues

The next statement is supported by some logic synthesis tools, with certain restrictions.

Whats New in '93

In VHDL-93, the next statement may have an optional label:

labelL next loop_label;

This page maintained by Dave Trueman