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VHDL block diagrams using netlistsvg

Margret Riegert30 Nov 2020 - views

Update 2021-03-29: netlistsvg has been updated by yours truly to fix some of the bugs that required workarounds in this blog post. This has been updated to remove those workarounds as they’re no longer required for the latest version of netlistsvg. A blog post about those changes is available here.

Block diagrams are a useful way of presenting state machines and other HDL code in a visual manner. They are useful for learning how the code works, documenting it for future programmers and reports, or debugging code that may not be working as expected.

While tools for generating block diagrams are already included in most HDL development environments, these are typically proprietary (though they may be free as in beer, they’re not free as in freedom). Here is how to generate a block diagram from VHDL using netlistsvg and the open source FPGA toolchain on Linux.

I would recommend downloading the latest FPGA toolchain binaries provided by Open Tool Forge here (or if you’re on an Arch-based distro, it’s available from the AUR as fpga-toolchain-bin). Make sure to export GHDL_PREFIX=$install_dir/lib/ghdl to wherever you installed the toolchain, and add the toolchain to your PATH. netlistsvg is available via npm, and can be installed by running npm install netlistsvg.

The procedure is as follows:

Here is an example of how to integrate this into a Makefile:

ENTITY=top alu counter

	ghdl -a *.vhdl

	@$(MAKE) simulate
	-mkdir svg
	for en in $(ENTITY); do \
		yosys -p "ghdl $$en; prep -top $$en; write_json -compat-int svg.json"; \
		netlistsvg svg.json -o svg/$$en.svg; \

Here is another example of how to integrate this into a bash script:

export ENTITY=top alu counter

ghdl -a *.vhdl

mkdir svg

for entity in $ENTITY; do
    yosys -p "ghdl $$entity; prep -top $$entity; write_json -compat-int svg.json";
    netlistsvg svg.json -o svg/$$entity.svg;

For both of these, replace ENTITY=top alu counter with the list of entities you want to make block diagrams for.

Here’s an example from my blog post about running VGA on the Upduino FPGA:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity vga is
    port (
        Clk : in std_logic;
        row, col : out unsigned(10 downto 0);
        HSYNC, VSYNC : out std_logic
end vga;

architecture synth of vga is

    signal H_A, H_F, H_S, H_B, H_T : integer := 0;
    signal V_A, V_F, V_S, V_B, V_T : integer := 0;

    signal vert, hori : unsigned(10 downto 0);


    -- 49.5 MHz / 800x600
    H_A <= 800;
    H_F <= 16;
    H_S <= 80;
    H_B <= 160;
    H_T <= H_A + H_F + H_S + H_B;
    V_A <= 600;
    V_F <= 1;
    V_S <= 3;
    V_B <= 21;
    V_T <= V_A + V_F + V_S + V_B;

    process (Clk) begin
        if (rising_edge(Clk)) then

            if (hori < H_T - 1) then
                hori <= hori + 1;
                hori <= (others => '0');

                if (vert < V_T - 1) then
                    vert <= vert + 1;
                    vert <= (others => '0');
                end if;
            end if;

            if (hori >= (H_A + H_F) and hori <= (H_A + H_F + H_S)) then
                hsync <= '0';
                hsync <= '1';
            end if;

            if (vert >= (V_A + V_F) and vert <= (V_A + V_F + V_S)) then
                vsync <= '0';
                vsync <= '1';
            end if;

            row <= vert;
            col <= hori;
        end if;
    end process;


And that’s it! Assuming you did everything correctly (and the tools haven’t changed) this should work for generating block diagrams from VHDL using open source tools. To note as well there’s a Sphinx extension that uses Yosys and netlistsvg to embed block diagrams, but at the time of writing only supports Verilog. Here’s an example of it in action.

Special thanks to Neil Turley for developing and maintaining netlistsvg! Also thanks to all the amazing developers behind the open source FPGA toolchain!

© 2020-2024 Margret Riegert
Unless otherwise noted, content is under a CC BY 4.0 license.