API Overview




  • decode.decode: Decodes each instruction into a simpler format, replacing symbols, register aliases, and removing comments for the EccCPU ISA
  • decode.findSymbols: Find the symbols in the instruction memory, e.g. main:
  • execr.execr: Executes the instruction on the simulator state for the EccCPU ISA
  • execr.immu2int: Converts an immediate value into an integer
  • gui.currCode: String showing surrounding code to PC
  • gui.gui: Runs an interactive GUI for the simulator using PySimpleGUIQt
  • decode.decode: Decodes each instruction into a simpler format, replacing symbols, register aliases, and removing comments for the LEGv8 ISA
  • decode.findSymbols: Find the symbols in the instruction memory, e.g. main:
  • execr.execr: Executes the instruction on the simulator state for the LEGv8 ISA
  • execr.immu2int: Converts an immediate value into an integer

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