
Used In

  • Entity
  • Package
  • Process
  • Architecture
  • Procedure
  • Function

Reference Manual

  • Section 4.3.4


alias alias_name : alias_type is object_name;

Rules and Examples

An alias is an alternative name for an existing object (signal, variable or constant). It does not define a new object.

alias SIGN    : bit is DATA(31);
alias BYTE_ID : bit is NET_DATA_IN(7);

Aliases provide a useful “shorthand” for referencing complex slices etc.:

use work.BV_ARITH.all;


alias OPERAND : bit_vector(1 downto 0) is CPU_BUFFER(LOW) (4 downto 3);
alias A       : bit_vector(3 downto 0) is CPU_BUFFER(HIGH)(3 downto 0);
alias B       : bit_vector(2 downto 0) is CPU_BUFFER(LOW) (2 downto 0);



An alias of an array object can be indexed in the opposite direction.

signal BUS_A : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);

alias BIT_REV_A : std_ulogic_vector(0 to 7) is BUS_A;

All objects may be aliased, i.e. signals, files, variables and constants.

All “non-objects” can also be aliased, except labels, loop parameters and generate parameters. For instance:

-- an alias of a type
alias MY_LOGIC is ieee.std_logic_1164.std_logic;

-- an alias of a component

Synthesis Issues

Aliases are not supported by many logic synthesis tools.

A work-around is to declare new “alias” signals, variables or constants, and assign them with the slice expression. With signals and variables this increases simulation overhead, but preserves readability.

Such “alias” signals should be assigned concurrently, and “alias” variables should be reassigned each time their process is activated.