Selected Signal Assignment
Used In
- Architecture
Reference Manual
VHDL-93:- Section 9.5.2
with expression select
signal_name <= expression_1 when choice_1,
expression_2 when choice_2;
Rules and Examples
The rules are the same as for the case statement, i.e. all possible choices must be included unless the others clause is used as the last choice:
architecture SEL of BRANCH is
with CMD select
Z <= B when "00",
C when "01",
A when others;
end SEL;
A range or a selection may be specified as a choice:
with INT_A select
Z <= A when 0,
B when 1 to 3,
C when 4|6|8,
D when others;
As with the case statement, choices may not overlap:
with INT_A select
Z <= A when 0,
B when 1 to 3,
C when 2|6|8, --illegal
'X' when others;
As with the case statement, there is no implied priority to the choices:
architecture COND of BYTE is
signal SEL: BYTE_POS;
with SEL select
OBUS <= REG(0 to 7) when LOWER,
REG(8 to 15) when UPPER;
end COND;
The expressions assigned may be delayed. Transport delay mode may also be specified.
Any signal assignment may have an optional label.
The unaffected keyword indicates a choice where the signal is not given a new assignment. This is roughly equivalent to the use of the null statement within case:
label: with expression select
signal <= expression_1 when choice_1 ,
expression_2 when choice_2 ,
unaffected when others;
The keywords inertial and reject may also be used in a selected signal assignment.
A selected signal assignment can be specified to run as a postponed process.
Synthesis Issues
Selected signal assignments are generally synthesizable.
A selected signal assignment will usually result in combinational logic being generated. Assignments to āZā will normally generate tri-state drivers. Assignment to āXā may not be supported.
If a signal is conditionally assigned to itself, latches may be inferred.