Case Statement

Used In

  • Process
  • Function
  • Procedure

Reference Manual

  • Section 8.7


case expression is
    when choice =>
        sequential statements
    when choice =>
        sequential statements
end case;
[label:] case expression is
    when choice =>
        sequential statements
    when choice =>
        sequential statements
end case [label];

Rules and Examples

All possible choices must be included, unless the others clause is used as the last choice:

case SEL is
    when "01" =>   Z <=  A;
    when "10" =>   Z <=  B;
    when others => Z <= 'X';
end case;

A range or a selection may be specified as a choice:

case INT_A is
    when 0      =>  Z <=  A;
    when 1 to 3 =>  Z <=  B;
    when 4|6|8  =>  Z <=  C;
    when others =>  Z <= 'X';
end case;

Choices may not overlap:

case INT_A is
    when 0      =>  Z <=  A;
    when 1 to 3 =>  Z <=  B;
    when 2|6|8  =>  Z <=  C;   -- illegal
    when others =>  Z <= 'X';
end case;

A range may not be used with a vector type:

case VEC is
    when "000" to "010" =>  
        Z <= A;   -- illegal
    when "111"   =>  Z <= B;
    when others  =>  Z <= 'X';
end case;

See also the null statement.

Synthesis Issues

The case statement is generally synthesizable.

With repeated assignments to a target signal, it will synthesize to a large multiplexer with logic on the select inputs to evaluate the conditions for the different choices in the case statement branches. No “priority” will be inferred from the order of the branches

With multiple targets and embedded if statements, the case statement may be used to synthesize a general mapping function, e.g. next state and output generation for a finite state machine. For example:

    when WAITING =>
        if CPU_DATA_VALID = '1' then
            CPU_DATA_READ  <= '1';
            READ_CPU_STATE <= DATA1;
        end if;
    when DATA1 =>
        -- etc.
end case;

See Also