
Reference Manual

  • Section 1.1


entity entity_name is
    generic (generic_list);
    port (port_list);
end entity_name;

Rules and Examples

The port list must define the name, the mode (i.e. direction) and the type of each port on the entity:

entity HALFADD is
        A,B : in bit;
        SUM, CARRY : out bit

entity COUNTER is
    port (
        CLK  : in std_ulogic;
        RESET: in std_ulogic;
        Q    : out integer range 0 to 15

The top-level entity in a simulatable VHDL model is usually “empty”, i.e. has no ports. Its architecture is usually the “test bench”:

entity TB_DISPLAY is

architecture TEST of TB_DISPLAY is

    -- component declaration(s)
    -- signal declarations


    -- component instance(s)
    -- test processes

end TEST;

Each entity port acts like a signal which is visible in the architecture(s) of the entity. The mode (direction) of each port determines whether it may be read from or written to in the architecture:

Mode Read in Arch Write in Arch
in Yes No
out No Yes
inout Yes Yes
buffer Yes Yes

If an entity has generics, these must be declared before the ports. They do not have a mode, as by definition they can only pass information into the entity:

entity AN2_GENERIC is
    generic (
        DELAY: time := 1.0 ns
    port (
        A,B : in std_ulogic;
        Z : out std_ulogic

An entity may also contain declarations. Items declared are visible within the architecture(s) of the entity.

The keyword end may be followed by the keyword entity for clarity and consistency.

Synthesis Issues

Entity declarations are supported for synthesis, providing the port types are acceptable to the logic synthesis tool. Usually, only generics of type integer are supported. Values for generics have to be supplied by the user at the time of synthesis.